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Advanced Photoshop CC for Design Professionals Digital Classroom, by Jennifer Smith, AGI Creative Team
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Take your Photoshop CC skills to the next level with this complete, advanced training package
Adobe Photoshop is the industry leading image-editing program for digital photographers, graphic designers, and web developers. The newest version includes even more great tools to manage and enhance your images. This book-and-DVD package focuses on using the more advanced Photoshop CC features such as curves, levels, blending modes, painting and drawing tools, and the latest special effects to create professional-quality designs and images for web and video. You can learn at your own pace, using the step-by-step instructions in the book and supplementary exercises on the DVD.
- Encourages you to develop your skills in the program's finer points with these 13 self-paced lessons developed by the AGI Creative Team
- Features illustrated, step-by-step instructions plus video tutorials and lesson files, all created by expert instructors
- Covers Adobe Bridge and Camera RAW, then focuses on advanced techniques including curves, levels, blending modes, painting and drawing tools, and the latest Photoshop CC special effects
- Enables web developers and graphic designers to make full use of the advanced features of Photoshop CC (Creative Cloud)
Advanced Photoshop CC Digital Classroom takes your Photoshop CC skills a step further, giving you more control over your images.
Note: DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of the e-book file, but are available for download after purchase.
- Sales Rank: #1003410 in Books
- Brand: Brand: Wiley
- Published on: 2013-12-04
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 9.20" h x .70" w x 7.40" l, .0 pounds
- Binding: Paperback
- 352 pages
- Used Book in Good Condition
From the Back Cover
Full-color, step-by-step instructional book
Video training from expert instructors
Tutorials and lesson files on companion DVD
You have a personal tutor in the Digital Classroom
If you want expert instruction that fits into your schedule, the Digital Classroom series delivers. Professional trainers guide you through 12 lessons, helping you learn invaluable Photoshop CC skills at your own speed. Full-color, easy-to-follow steps in the book are enhanced with video tutorials on the companion DVD. With this Digital Classroom training package, you have your own private tutor showing you the best way to learn Photoshop CC.
- Discover tips and tricks geared for design professionals
- Find out how to build compositions using advanced masking techniques
- Discover how to take the vector tools in Photoshop to the next level
- Find out how to create 3D illustrations in Photoshop
- Learn how to color-correct images like a pro
- Find out how to save your images for web and application design
Find out how to use automation tools to build actions. Learn how to use the Pen tool for difficult selections and unique artwork.
About the Author
Jennifer Smith is cofounder of American Graphics Institute as well as a Certified Technical Trainer. She is a member of the AGI Creative Team, which develops and delivers global training programs for creative, marketing, and communications professionals.
Most helpful customer reviews
4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
A Mixed Bag
By Brenda Frank
This book covers both photography and digital design. This may be a drawback for those who use one or the other. I use Photoshop for website design images, print material design and photography, so all the techniques interest me.
Don’t count on “Advanced Adobe Photoshop CC for Design Professionals” being only for advanced users. The first chapter is entitled “Introduction to Advanced Navigational Features,” but workspaces, rulers, guides and grids aren’t really advanced. The next chapter is on Adobe Bridge, which is a critical work process system for photographers and really not advanced. Chapter 10 on “Creating images for the Web” is on common procedures like formatting images; however, it also includes slicing images, a more advanced technique.
The 3D techniques might be new to the average Photoshop user. Also, creating compositions and applying special effects might be enlightening and inspiring.
I’m largely self-taught with Photoshop. When starting the lessons, I realized that there are, indeed, many useful tips that professionals use that I didn’t know. Although the shortcuts that are frequently referenced are not entirely relevant to me. Unless I use Photoshop every day, I just rely on right click rather than shortcut keys, because there are too many to memorize.
The book comes with a CD containing the lessons. Since the introduction advises the reader to register the book for the most current lessons and video tutorials, I did that instead of using the CD.
The video tutorials are helpful. However, I found that Jennifer Smith works a bit fast and uses too many shortcut keys. It would be more helpful if she slowed down and used the conventional method of selecting tools.
I haven’t had time to work though all the lessons, but I intend to. Doing so will review some techniques and fill in gaps in my knowledge. All in all, the book and lessons are helpful and will advance my ability to use Photoshop. You might benefit, as well, by purchasing “Advanced Adobe Photoshop CC for Design Professionals.”
4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
Advanced Photoshop For Design Professionals: A Critical Review.
By Andre Lawrence
I've always liked Jennifer Smith's publications on Adobe's products. She and her husband publish on this subject quite frequently.
In general, if you have some their earlier works with the exception of the "For Dummies" series, this book's tutorials or I should say subjects covered, have been seen many times before. This makes it not necessary for "advanced" Photoshop users but for "experienced" or moderately-skilled Photoshop.
There are essentially two kinds of Photoshop users, the photography buffs and the illustrator/ fine artists. This book leans more toward photographers.
The books contents are as follows:
Lesson 1: Introduction to Advanced Navigational Features
Lesson 2: Taking Advantage of Adobe Bridge
Lesson 3: Advanced Selection Techniques
Lesson 4: The Pen Tool: Beyond The Primer
Lesson 5: Correcting Like A Pro
Lesson 6: Painting and Retouching
Lesson 7: Creating Composition
Lesson 8: Creating Special Effects
Lesson 9: Advanced Use of the Vector Tools
Lesson 10: Creating Images for the Web and Application Design
Lesson 11: Zipping It Up With Automation Tools
Lesson 12: Using Photoshop for 3D
This "Classroom-In-A-Room" also has lessons and files on a cd as well as online support system.
Another great production by Jenn Smith.
3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
A bit different than most Photoshop instructionals, but still very worthwhile
By Jerry Saperstein
This is a substantially different instructional than the author's earlier "Photoshop CC Digital Classroom".
In this volume, the author covers subjects of interest not only photographers, but graphic designers as well which both broadens the scope and, if you are a dedicated photographer, might reduce this book's appeal.
Don't let that happen to you: with Photoshop, without doubt one of the most powerful, complex and difficult to master programs, no knowledge is without value.
The contents feel a bit odd. The first chapter is a collection of "advanced navigational features" intended to help you "use the workspace to work as efficiently as possible". If you've been using Photoshop for any length of time, some of these tips will not be new to you.
The next chapter is on Adobe Bridge which I have always avoided using in favor of other image management programs. This chapter went into more detail than other materials I have read and I may actually give Bridge another try. Bridge has one tool I was totally unaware of, the Image Processor. Another technique I didn't know about was using Bridge to load files as Photoshop images. Cool stuff - and worth the price of the book right there.
Now come two chapters on selections, one of them exclusively on the pen tool which is probably both the most feared and the most useful tool in Photoshop. Good material in both chapters, particularly the one on the pen tool, which also gets into the weeds about its use as a graphic illustration tool.
Color correction, painting and retouching, creating compositions, creating special effects, using vector tools, creating images for the web and applications design, using automation tools (an excellent chapter) and using Photoshop for 3D objects comprise the balance of the chapters.
As noted this is a different kind of Photoshop book. The information is solid, although some is not necessarily of immediate use to photographers. But, frankly, that does not detract from its value: anything that teaches you more about Photoshop is, in my opinion, worthwhile - and this book has a lot of good info on Photoshop.
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